Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cockroaches, snoses and huskies

Mistress is a wimp

I have a secret. But first I will tell you what a wimp mistress is. Again. Even though I know none of you believe me.

She has not written my blog because she went to my finca to feed and water my chickens and water my garden. She probably ate my strawberries too. She certainly didn't bring any back with her.

Anyway, she was doing the washing up, or rather, she had put some water in the bowl and was trying to find something to distract her so she could put off doing the dishes, when she realised she was being watched.

There was a huge (well, mistress says huge) cucaracha on the wall just above the washing-up bowl. He was laughing at mistress. Mistress stood rooted to the spot. Then he waved one of his antenna at her.

"Eeeek" she said in a very tiny voice. She didn't want to scream too loudly in case he scuttled off. Our Spanish neighbour whacks them with a sweeping brush, but mistress would be useless at that.

She ran into the bathroom to get the horrid spray. She doesn't like pesticides but she doesn't like cockies either. She ran out again and he was still laughing at her so she zapped him. Eventually he wriggled a bit and then dropped to the floor.

She decided to leave him, in case he wasn't quite dead and thought he would be a good lesson to any other marauders that might invade the house. Then she grabbed a glass of wine, shut the kitchen door behind her to try and keep the nasty smell out of the rest of the house, and went to collapse in a small heap and recover from the shock.

As I have said before, she really is such a wimp. But I don't suppose any of you will agree with me.

Kisses and snoses

Anyway, onto my secret, and I don't want this to go any further. I have given mistress a kiss lick. In the morning I sometimes go into her before she has got up and I do snoses. I go up to her very quietly, reach over and very gently I touch the tip of her nose with mine. Well, one day last week, I stuck the tip of my tongue out as well. Naturally mistress thought it was a kiss. It was not. It was not, I tell you, it was a tiny lick.

The next day I did the same thing. Hehe. There was a reason of course, I wanted her to get up sooner and then she could get on with my second and main breakfast. But it wasn't working. So the day after, I gave her a lot of kisses, licks. Her face was a bit dirty anyway. And it still didn't work. So now I have stopped and I do not want it to be said by any pup that Pippadog does kisses. I don't.

In fact I only do snoses when I want. So when mistress came to me this morning to rub snoses while I was relaxing on my sofa after my breakfast, I moved my snose imperiously away from her and rested it on the sofa arm. Then I waved my paw at her and told her to Get Out Of My Space.

Get Out Of My Space

She was a bit slow off the mark though, and tried to have another go. So I decided to lick my Important Parts. I think she got the message then. She didn't try again. I don't have a photo of that. Perhaps just as well.

Hiding from mistress on one of my walks

I think she found me but I am bonding with master

Husky update

Master and I were coming back on our usual circuit when two friendly American women asked if they could say hello to me. They had come to Gib on one of the cruise liners and were on their way back to the ship.

No mistress, this is a boat in the marina, this is not a cruise liner

They were a mother and a daughter and they both had two huskies each. The young one bent down, and said "Hello baby, you're beautiful" and gave me a big hug. Her mum gave me lots of loves and strokes. I held my nose up for snoses and smiled nicely at them both.

The mother thought I was a husky/GSD cross, but the daughter said she had seen huskies that looked like me that weren't a mix. They were sort of long and thin and taller than other huskies. Like me.

Master asked what they did with their huskies while they were on holiday and they said they had lots of husky friends who were always willing to take their dogs for a few weeks, and they did the same in return. I wish I had some husky pals, I think they all seem very friendly with each other. At least I have lots on here, even if I don't get to play with them.

I am not going to dream about a girlfriend today. I am going to remember Thrawn.

Remembering a friend


Peanut said...

My mom kills things with shoes. Grabs a shoe and whacks whatever it is she doesn't want in the house. Good job on letting Mistress know that snoses are only when you want them. We are remembering Thrawn also.

Randi said...

Hello Dear Darling Pippa...I wonder...would you ever give me a kiss? Just a little one? Maybe you could do that & make sure mistress sees...that way she will know you only give kisses to your girlfriends....Ok..I'd settle for a little lick anyway...

You look very handsome in all your photos Pippa...Especially when you are dreaming of Thrawn....What a wonderful thing to dream about...

Have a wonderful Randay, Pippa Dear!

Love & Licks,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pippa.
My mom does the same as Peanut mom's does! And then screams!
You chose a very diplomatic way to tell your Mistress you didn't want kisses!
Have a good night

Simba and Jazzi said...

Have a great Christmas and New year. Can't wait to catch up with all the blogs when I get back.

Simba xx

PerfectTosca said...

I never seen a cucaracha before! Do they taste good??? I eat spiders sometimes though, that is if I can get to them before the cats do. I feel that things like spiders and cockroaches are important nutritionally for us dogs, don't you?

Natasha Fernz said...

Hey Pippa...

Hmmm your Mistress has the same problem as my Mommy... they seem to think that we like "kissing them", when in fact all we want is for them to get out of bed ASAP!!!

For me I always want Mommy to get out of bed so that we can go on our walkies! But lately she has been lazy and we haven;t gone for weeks.. she says she's tired from work, but I think she's just lazy...



Charlie said...

There's nothing like licking Important Parts to put the humans off kissing. 'Sure, mom, I'll give you a kiss... just let me get this bit here...' He hehehehe
- Charlie

p.s. I'm not a husky but you can come stay with me anytime when your folks go on holiday.

Randi said...

Hi again Pippa..

You know what? I think you look even MORE handsome today then when I looked at the pictures of you yesterday on your blog! Is that even possible? Do you just get handsome-er & handsome-er? Maybe you had more toast today? Could that be it?

Love & Licks,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Pips, Your mistress is a wimp. I believe you.
As for not giving kisses/snoses, well I believe you on that score too. J x

Sophie Brador said...

Pippa, YOu and I are so much alike. I don't kiss either and I turn away if my mom tries to get kisses. We were made for each other.


Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

You have shared a little window onto what seems like a very nice life. Snoses to you, brother:)


Lacy said...

woofies Pippa!!! heehee me not kisses licks her and she pose to pet me...andddd her kisses me on top of my head...hmmmm

b safe,

Bama said...

We never really noticed before, but your face does look kinda husky-like, come to think of it, your markings are kinda huskylike too, just in a really unusual color combination, maybe you're an Alaskan husky? Hmmmmm, doesn't matter, you're still furry handsome, and both mine & Bama's furst love. I'm glad you understand Pippadear, Jack & I just fell in love, and you've still got lots of grrrlfriends to console you (my kid sister's nudging me and saying "me,me,me"), and you'll always have a special place in my heart.
Christmas kisses,
Mikki, Bama & the boys

Harry said...

Your mistress is braver than ma would have been!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Bella said...

hey Pippa if you can stick your tongue up mistress nose - there are some yummy goobers there & they love it- ha hah ahha.
Actually I love to surprise new people that pick me up & want to give me kisses - they never realise how long my tongue is - hee heee

Ferndoggle said...

I have never, in all of my 6 years of living on Jackman Ave, ever given my Mom a kiss. On the face, at least. I will lick her hands if she's been making meatballs and I sometimes lick her feet if they are salty & sweaty...but I do not kiss noses.

Now maybe if she put some peanut butter on her nose...that would be a different story.


Anonymous said...

Licking the Important Parts is always the quickest way to get the message through to the humans.



Hi Pippa,
Our mum is a wimp too especially when it comes to the creepy crawlies of the spider kind! Like reading all the things you have been up to.
Jazz and Dixie

Kerrio said...

Pippa, I think the licking pln is a very good one. I dout you will late breafasts if you keep it up!

Snogs from the dogs
Kerrio & co

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Pippa, that was a lovely post.

Sorry we not been commenting, Christmas has bitten my Jeannie on the bum!

I like your photos!

It was a terrible shame to read the sad new about Thrawn.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Happy Christmas to you and your family and lots of good wishes for the New Year!


ChaChi Lu said...

Was the cockroach bigger than JET?

~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne

Kapp pack said...

OH, If the only the husky you met could have been me!!!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Hammer said...

Hi Pippa
It's great to meet you. My mistress is very slow at helping me meet new DWB friends. I am constantly giving her the paw and I pretend to be aloof at times too, but when I do this, she just grabs me in a bear hug and kisses me, and I melt. Happy Christmas !!
Love from Hammer

L said...

If our girl finds a roach she whacks it with her shoe! It sounds like you had a nice walk today.
Thank you very much for the E-card you sent.
Comet and BLU

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Our mommy kilt a big thick hairy spider wif a rubber mallet. If she let it live, she couldn't have come in our back door cuz the web was huge & also it might have gotten inside, YUCKIE! I rarely give kisses, but Juneau overdoes the kissies sumtimes.

Duke said...

Thank you so much for your e-card, Pippa! You've a very handsome doggie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Army of Four said...

"Snoses". I like that! It's beautiful - like you!

wally said...

Very nice of you to think of Thrawn. I know you like to pretend you are a tough guy but I know about your snoses and KISSES. Ethel is a kisser, you know. Peoples and dogs. Especially me.
