Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kelsey Ann .... and KuBrin

Well, I got the lazy idle mistress to start writing me a post so that I could put one up less than a week after the last one but she never finished it.

And now we are both too too sad because another of my beautiful girlfriends has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, so it will have to wait for another day.

Bye bye Kelsey Ann from The Kapp Pack. Loved you lots. I'll miss you.

We didn't know Timber but we have visited his blog and he was a very handsome Alaskan Husky and we are sorry that he too has gone to the Bridge. Our sympathies are with the husky world today.

*Update* I am so sorry to say that my fine wolfhound pal KuBrin has gone to the bridge today. It is only two weeks ago since his pack member Megan went there, so they must be a very sorry pack at the moment. Sending lots of love to Blogs From the Dogs - you are having a tough time.

ETA Jake and Just Harry have pointed out that we are all affected by this sadness not just the husky world, and they are quite right. I did not mean to suggest other pups were not upset too and I am sorry if it came across like that.


Jake of Florida said...


Some days we can all laugh at the happy adventures of our pals, and some days we all weep when they get sick or leave us. Today is one of the latter.

It's not just the sibe/husky world that is sad -- we are all affected.

Jake and Just Harry

Peanut said...

It has been a tough week. Kelsey Ann will be missed

Sophie Brador said...

Pippa! Of course you didn't mean just Huskies. We all know that. You are far too wonderful a pup.

It is a sad week for DWB. We lost KuBrin as well.


Jake of Florida said...


We knew what you meant -- we were just feeling awfully sad ourselves and maybe were indelicate in the way we said it.

We know what a tender heart you have underneath that tough guy image!!

Love you, pal (Ms. "Misery" too!!)

Jake and Just Harry

Islay said...

Hi Pippa - such sad news that they had to go, but heartening to know that they are together.

licks & slobbers

One Little Birdie said...

Oh, darling Pippa. We are all so very sad that our friends have gone. We know that you think of all of us when you say how sad everyone is.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Darling Pippa,
It was a tough day in the canine/human world. It is so hard when one is called to the bridge but to have several is even worse.

Princess Eva
P.S. I know what you meant. Sometimes in our grief, we think one word and say another.

Lorenza said...

Hola Pippa.
Nosotros tambien estamos muy tristes.
Nuestros pensamientos estan con sus familias.

Simba and Jazzi said...

It is very sad news. They leave behind very happy memories.

Simba x

Anonymous said...

Pippa - your words in this post were so kind and thoughtful. I am so very, very sad today hearing all this bad news.

My heart is heavy.

We have torrential rain storms here and I am glad for once because they hide my tears which are falling for all these wonderful dogs who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge recently.

I cannot key paw in anymore, the keyboard is too wet and my amber eyes cannot see the screen.

So very sad.

Marvin xxxxxxx

The Army of Four said...

Such sadness. But a beautiful post by handsome Pippa. Thoughtful Pippa.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hello Pippa, such a sad week. I'm truly sorry to hear of the passing of your pals. J x

Thank you for your kind words on my blog. It really means a lot to me and the Js.

Kapp pack said...

Thank woo so much for thinking of my big sister. I know you loved her lots even is you were and ocean and a continent away.

Puppy slurps, Canyon

Charlie said...

Thanks for the update, Pippa. We had not read KuBrin for awhile and were particularly sorry to hear that both he and Megan have gone to the bridge.
- Charlie & Anne

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Pippa - just testing out my new blog photo, although my profile now says I am from the Ukraine but otherwise She Must Not Be Obeyed seems to have it all right.

I have a photo, but don't live in the Ukraine, still one out of two is not bad where she is concerned!

love and many licks, Your friend Marvinxxxxxxxx

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

What a sad post. I am so sorry to hear about your friends.

Kathryn and Ari said...

Thanks for posting this lovely tribute. It makes the sadness a little easier to see how much these wonderful dogs meant to so many bloggers.

L said...

It's always sad when friends leave us for the bridge. They will be missed.