Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where to sleep?

A dog likes to sleep.

A dog likes to change where a dog likes to sleep.

A dog likes to get his head in a comfortable position, especially tucked underneath something.

A dog likes to lie in doorways.

What a dog does not like is someone, aka Misery Mistress, pointing a camera in his face every time he tries to find a new peaceful position.

Just because you have finally bought some new batteries and a new charger for the camera does not mean you should keep sticking it in my face.

So go away mistress and let sleeping Pippa lie.


Georgeous said...

Hey Pip, I LOVE your new banner. Ol' misery never captured the piano paws again though!!
Sorry I haven't been around, we've had a big down time in our house BUT the weather has been great and I've been a social butterfly.
Snufs George

BenTheRotti said...

She may have been annoying you buddy but they are great shots of you. .. and OMD! I LOVE the blog overhaul.. that is one great banner up there! I've been pawing at Mum to do something with my blog, I hate that it is so .. umm.. pants! she muttered something about being a technophobe and ran away so I guess its staying pants! hehehe

love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Can I come snuggle with you?

your Princess Eva

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You really have that sleeping thing down. Good job..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lacy said...

w00f's Pippa, hmmm y wont dey leave us alone...me got the puparazzi today too, when me wuz eyeing a cat...pawsome picksurs of u tho..

b safe,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awwww, we just love how cute and comfy woo look in the sofa arm/pillow shot. Hope woo get a good night's sleep with no puparazzi around.

Woos, the OP Pack

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

I know how you feel, Pippa, our mommy always has the camera handy to keep snapping pic of us. Sumtimes it just gets annoying! We just don't always cooperate & look right at the camera fur her.

But, we do try to humor her cuz she gives great back & belly rubs!

-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh my!

Don't woo look sooooo khomfie!!

And the new header looks grrrrrrreat!!!

PeeEssWoo: We are NEVFUR safe from the khamera thingie - my mom wishes she had brought it to the V-E-T since I looked sooooo khute there!

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo Woo Pip,
Youse sure do look nice and comfy. Next time she get da camera, turn your head da udder way. Works like a charm.

Husky kisses,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pippa!
Your blog has a new look! Great!
I love all those sleepy pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Oh, Pippa, while we certainly understand your issues with mistress regarding sleep, we would like to point out that she is actually doing the rest of us a big favor. How would we ever get to see so much of your handsome face otherwise? :)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Pippa,
I love your new banner!!
Hmmm.. I think it is a human trait that they MUST keep flashing that darn thing in front of our face when we are trying to sleep. I just hate the fact that we do not have opposable thumbs.. otherwise, I'd love to turn the tables around and see how they like it.. (esp since my mom drools a bit in her sleep.. OOps.. too much information!)

Anonymous said...

Always sleep where they can trip over you!

Super pictures!

A Pippa Fan

One Little Birdie said...

Darling Pippa, you look soo very dreamy in your new banner! I cannot help but swoon everytime I see it! Those sleepy pics are very dreamy too. swoon!

Love & Snoses,

Simba and Jazzi said...

You look so cosy, you make me want to take a nap.

Simba x

Islay said...

Yep - I couldn't have put it better! Sleeeep! Sweet Dreams, Pippa

licks & slobbers

Ferndoggle said...

OUCH! That looks so uncomfortable...the shot of you with your head wedged in there. Not on the bed...that looks very comfy.


The Army of Four said...

I would have commented earlier, but I fell asleep, following your great napping examples. Woo.

Anonymous said...

Pippa, you should write a book for in somme niaks

Just super shots of you, sleeping.

You would cure them all.

Oooooonie x

Cassidy said...


We are back from the blogging wilderness. We are now checking out what all our pals have been up to.

Harry & Cassidy xxx

PerfectTosca said...

Pippa darling! Verily I have come to slobber you!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Pippa, you are, as usual, moste handsome in all your pics. And you do look comfy. I guess getting away from the camera flash is futile. *sigh*
Love the new header...

The Zoo Crew said...

I like to sleep all the time now but it's always in the same spot! I think it's great that your mom got lotsa different pics of you sleeping!


Peanut said...

That mistress needs to leave you alone.

Randi said...

Oh Dear Darling Pippa...you look so handsome in all those pics...I can truly understand why Misery Mistress takes so many pic of you...they are absolutley beautiful....I love all the ones of you tucking you sweet nose-y under stuff...esp. the pillow...

I'm going to think of you when I fall asleep tonight...you all tucked & warm in your flat...

love & licks,

Anonymous said...

Hi Pippa!

You look so beautiful when you sleep.

D.R. Watson

Anonymous said...

just reporting in, I am on the case.

It is a very nice suit-case, to sit on that is.

I like sitting on the suit-case when they are packing to go away.

Hound of the Baskervilles.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Pippa, you should write a book on how to irritate the hoooooomans.

you do look so happy and oontent though, I am sure your hoooooooomans can forgive you anything.

Your pal,

Marvin xxxxxxx

Chef said...

Pippa, my mom says don't be so hard on your mom because you look so adorable that if she was your mom, she'd be taking pictures of you all day long - plus. Oh geez, Pip, they're all the same. Grin and bear it, buddy.

Great blog makeover too.


L said...

We don't understand why people and their cameras think we are interesting when we sleep. We are sleeping! How exciting can that be?

But, we must say you look adorable in your banner photo.
Comet and BLU

Kathryn and Ari said...

Poor Pippa. Be careful when you cram you beautiful face under that heavy furniture: we don't want you to injure it!

Sophie Brador said...

But if she let sleeping Pippa lie, we would not be able to behold the greatness that is Pippa.



Woof Pippa

Some Moms(ours included) tend to get crazy with the camera. But they should know better than to infringe upon the sacred nap time.
Sorry we haven't stopped by in awhile, all we can do is blame Mom.

Desert Pups

Helios said...

This is so familiar! My M does that to me too!