Friday, May 15, 2009


I said in my last post that I would write about our geocatzing adventures so here they are.

Some of you may remember that many months ago Misery Mistress went geocatzing on her own - unsuccessfully. You can read about it here where I pointed out it was clear that she was unsuccessful because she did not take ME.

She has decided that we need to get out exploring and walking more, so came to the conclusion that geocatzing would be just the right thing for that. Master is always happy to buy new toys, so on Saturday they went to buy the GPS unit needed to find the little pots of hidden treasure.

Off we went in my Landy, and we were stopped at the frontier by the Spanish customs police. They are usually nice and friendly and smiley with me, but these two seemed very dour. I was disappointed.

After they had peered and poked all over my Landy, we set off to the location of the cache. It was in a very pretty park on a headland, with lots of spring flowers. And, there were lots of new dog friends to meet and greet and sniff.

We wandered round the nice paths and master and I posed for photos. There are more photos on Misery's other blogs (you can see on the sidebar), including a very good one of my ears.

Then I stood around patiently waiting for Master and Misery to find the cache but they didn't. Makes no difference to me whether they find it or not. I am sure if they had let me off the lead I would have found it. Well, I would have found something, although maybe not treasure - maybe a few nice female dogs would have been interesting. There were no catz to be seen anywhere so I am beginning to think this geocatzing is not about catz at all.

After that we drove to a nice place called Tarifa and Master and I sat in my Landy while Misery took photos of the beautiful beach.

And that's it. So the Pippa verdict on geocatzing is that it is ok from the perspective of going for a drive and a nice walk, but it was rather short on the catz.

Master and Misery went out again in the evening to look for the one up the Rock that Misery could never find, but they didn't take me so I can't report on that.

I have forgotten to thank everyone who voted for me in the GSD Adventures competition April Showers, May Flowers. I didn't win, but I was very pleased with the votes I received, and as Misery only voted for me twice, lots of you must have gone over there - so thank you very much.

Next up - The Great Escape.


One Little Birdie said...

Darling Pippa. you look bewootiful in those pictures of the serene beach. It must have been a very nice walk indeed. Though I think they need to rename that adventure as Geobeaching

Love & Snoses,
Guinness Grrl

Randi said...


What a great geocatzing adventure you had...I bet if I had been with leash, we would have found many...then we could have frolicked on the beach while Mistress took all those pics, instead of you waiting so very patiently for her...

I miss you & think Mistress needs to take A LOT more photos of you & work on YOUR BLOG MORE....

Love & Licks,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would have been glad to help woo find some khatz!

Mom says there are some AGJ bottles with blakhk ones on the label!

Tank woo fur sharing your PippaNess!


The Army of Four said...

Oh, those are SUCH nice pictures of you, Pippa!!!

Mason Dixie said...

What a great adventure and wonderful pictures. =)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, too bad you couldn't find it, but you sure did get a nice walk - beautiful pics too.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Beautiful pics but we need more Pippa!


Lorenza said...

I agree with Eva!
More Pippa pictures please!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great place to go for a walk.

Have a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Amber and Nala said...

What a beautiful place to go geocatzing but bummer you didn't find any cats!! :( Maybe next time. ;)


L said...

Our girl tried doing that a few times, but gave up because she never could find the catz! She once searched an area for 20 minutes because she "knew" she was in the right place, and then another catzer walked up and found it in about 30 seconds!

Lola Smiles said...

You r such a lucky bum! I would trade my big fat trees any day to run on that beach - of course, with you...sweet Pippa! xox

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Ah, looks awesome--you're so lucky to be able to go out on excellent adventures! We don't know why we've been stuck in the house for so long. Can we run away with you in your Landy?!


Anonymous said...

I love the beach picture Pippa!

And all the other ones as well......

An Interested Observer ;0D

Fred said...

Sounds fun anyway! And the pictures are fantastic!

Marvin said...

Hello dearest Pippa!

Our favourite pic is the one of you and your Master framed in the concrete thingme.....with the sea behind you. My Jeannie says this is a very unusual setting and quite the most perfect picture.

But you know how "sucky" she can be, I just like it. (cos you are in it!)

lots of love Marvin xxxxxx

pee ess Jeannie says she solved my computer issues with technical skill and a hammer, but I will let you into a secret, hush, tell no-dog else, but the mouse connection was poor apparently, once she pressed it in firmly it seems to have solved the prob.

I don't know, humans. Who would have 'em?
Technical genius indeed..........

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Pippa,
Those photos are lovely!! Thanks for sharing them with us... (hey looks like someone's photography skills have imnproved!)

Chef said...

I go geocatzing every day in my house because I have two catzsisters, but I would much rather chase some catz on that beautiful beach - with you!! Beautiful pix.


Chef said...

I go geocatzing every day in my house because I have two catzsisters, but I would much rather chase some catz on that beautiful beach - with you!! Beautiful pix.
