Monday, May 11, 2009

History and monkeys

Well, Misery seems to have a problem with her computer. Hal, the Apple.

Anyway, I am not interested as she has bought herself another one called HP, the Sauce.

So long as my blog is updated and there are Pippapix, that is all I care about.

If you are interested in Misery's computer woes (and I tell you – there are plenty of them) you need to look at her blogs. I think the Land Rover blog is free of them.

Now. More interestingly, I was on Monkey Duty the other day.

Sniffing, looking

We had a nice walk up our back streets and came around the top of Trafalgar Cemetery. People think lots of British sailors are buried here from the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, but actually there are only two. Most of those who died at Trafalgar were buried at sea, and Lord Nelson was taken back to the UK for a state funeral. Many of the graves are for people who died from yellow fever in the early 19th century.

Cemetery entrance

Sign about the history of the cemetery

A peaceful spot

Anyway the history lesson is over. As we all know, next to the cemetery are fig trees, where my friends the monkeys come to sit and eat. So yesterday, when I walked past the cemetery I could sniff the monkeys had been there. But I couldn't see them. Only smell them. No monkeys in sight.

Poking head through wall to look for monkeys

I know you are there - or you have been there

Come on monkeys - talk to Pippa

Update -
She has also been too busy GeoCatzing to post this before now, so I will write about my geocatz adventures next.


Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Pippa
The Trafalgar Cemetery sounds like a wonderful place to visit. The pictures are lovely.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Pei In The Life said...

Hmm, Monkey's sound like squirrels. Good job keeping them away.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I thought those inedible fruit 'puters were perfekht?

WELL, at least she's gotten woo a replacement!

I need my PippaFix!

Tank woo fur brightening up my Monday!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am so excited about these monkeys! And what is GeoCatzing? If it has to do with catz then I know I would like it, and fur sure you would too!!

Randi said...

Oh My Dear Darling Pippa..

How is it that you just keep getting more handsome everytime I see you...I bet those monkeys saw the Great Pippadoggie coming & ran & are a great I wouldn't be suprised at their great fear of you.


Another ***SIGH***

You are soooo handsome...

Love & Licks,

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Dear Pippa,
You look very dashing out walking with your people. But it always seems like you are in charge of Master and Misery is in charge of the camera.

Our Momma thinks that old cemeteries are pretty and interesting.


The Army of Four said...

You have the most interesting walkies! Mom's reading a series of books (historical novels) that center around the British Navy in Nelson's time. They mention Gibraltar a lot!
I thought Macs never had problems! GASP!

Pedro said...


I have no idea what Geocatzing is? You'll have to elaborate on that in your next post. No monkeys? I can't imagine seeing monkeys running around free. The only monkeys we have are in zoos! That is a really great picture of you!


Marvin said...

I have barked this to you before Pippa, I am sure.

"Monkeys are the work of the devil, and more trouble than a barrel load of humans".

Also, in my humble Marvin Opinion, tea towels are the work of the devil, and framed tea towels are further proof of the work of the devil.

I digress, as usual. All the money my J is spending on a framing for her tea towel could be far better spent on my dinner requirements.

Sadly, I am not allowed dinner today, since I had a bit of an "accident" this morning.......


Marvin Who Is Fed Up x

Amber and Nala said...

Bummer you didn't see the monkeys but don't give up! :) Can't wait to hear about your Geocatz adventures. :)


Fred said...

Your life is always full of adventures! Good luck spotting those monkeys!

Anonymous said...

Well I agree with that weird dog called Marvin, whoever he may be, but he talks some sense I grant you.

Monkeys, GeoCatzing and Cemeteries are all the work of the devil.

Keep safe dear Pippa, watch those two stray Brits you live with, they are leading you down some weird paths in my opinion.

Scarlett ;0D

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pippa!
My mom hates when her computer acts weird!
Those monkeys are afraid of you!
I hope next time they come to say hello!
Kisses and hugs

Juno said...

Hello Pippa!! We love your new header!!

ah... puter problem! Humans always fight with it.... wonder why!!

Momo & Pinot

Jake of Florida said...

Thanks for the Pippa-fix. We love to gaze at your handsome face.

Sorry about the computer problems. Does Misery know all the best HBO words???

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry (from camp)

Helios said...

We have wild monkeys here too! But I haven't seen any yet. My M refused to point them out to me. I wonder if they'll play with me. Were you planning to play with them?

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looks like an interesting place.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Pippa! Thanks for visiting my bloggie and for trying to help us with our BIG problem. My dad and Zeke and I went to bed at 11:30PM last night and my mom stayed up to do a quick post, but instead she was up till 2AM and only ended up with one picture - of Zekie yet! Good thing her hair is already gray. She tried the HTML thing this morning, and it did copy and paste, so that's some progress from last night. But will it biggify? We'll see!

I love your header picture - wow! I think it would be fun to see a monkey.

See ya!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Are you sure Mom has trouble with the Mac??? We didn't think it could happen.

Hope you find a monkey or two on your next walk. We have never seen a monkey.

Woos, the OP Pack

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

If you didn't say it is a cemetery, I thought it is a garden!
The gate look real nice and peaceful, soon the flower will climb over the arbor, I hope!
Nice to visit you Pippa!

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Pippapix! Pippapix! Pippapix! That's what we want--and what we've missed! You look great, as usual. Love the Landy pix, in particular. Nothin better than a dog on the move! :)


L said...

Sorry you didn't see the monkeys on your walk. Maybe next time.