Thursday, March 20, 2008

Our pals

I was going to do a nice post today, talking about me of course. But it has been a sad week for DWB so I am not so selfish as to talk about me when there are pups to remember, and their families to think of and support with our pawsitive thoughts.

So this post is dedicated to Lacy Lulu and Sasha.

As you know I don't normally bother myself with mistress's silly flowers, but I have chosen this one specially for our two friends who have gone to the Bridge.

It is the Strelitzia reginae, also called the Bird of Paradise. I thought it was appropriate.

Sad Pippadog.


Harry said...

You're a sweet boy Pippa.

Toodle pip
Harry x

The Army of Four said...

You look very sad, Pippa. I wish I could come over and cheer you up. Zim and I took Mom for a really long walk yesterday afternoon and that helped her out.

The Zoo Crew said...

you are's a sad, sad time for DWB this week......

the zoo crew

Randi said...

Hello Dear Darling Pippa...I wish I could come over & give you a very loving & cuddly nudge...& maybe you could even slide over a few inches & I could share your sofa with you...

I'm so sad about Lucylulu & Sasha...I hope they are running & playing like young pups at the bridge...

Love & Licks,

Ferndoggle said...

We're all very sad too Pippa. It's hard to lose a friend....let alone 2. Sending you cyber hugs to help cheer you up.


Ferndoggle said...

We're all very sad too Pippa. It's hard to lose a friend....let alone 2. Sending you cyber hugs to help cheer you up.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am sad today too. I did not know Sasha but I knew LacyLulu. It is a sad day.

Hammer said...

Hi Pippa
We are all very sad to lose our special friends. There seems to have been so much loss and worry lately, so many tears.
Hope you and your family have a safe and happy Easter.
Love from Hammer

Lorenza said...

Todos estamos muy tristes. Eran muy buenas amigas y las vamos a extrañar mucho.
Esa Ave del Paraiso es muy bonita.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a devastating news...

Islay said...

Hi Pippa, thanks for visiting my blog. That's a beautiful Strelitzia Regina (my human has some Strelitzia Nikolai that she is proud of at

I'd love to get the rainbow Bridge going again, but at the moment I can only make new posts, not fiddle with the layout yet - I don't wish to bother Marvin's human too much just now. Just send me whatever you would like to post, and pretty soon, I hope it's as good as when our Higgins first got there - as much as a favour to him and all of those who find comfort there as to Jeannie and her kind efforts.

One of the pack said...

The rainbow bridge has been too busy as of late. Our hearts go out to both Sasha and LacyLu's families. We share in your sorrow.

What a gorgeous flower your Mom found.

The Forget Sit and Stay Gang

Sophie Brador said...

Pippa, That's really sweet.


Kaiser Chef said...

I am sorry DWB are having such a hard time.

You look so sad Pippa Dog.

We are thinking of their families.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Pippa,
Yes, we are both sad. I wish I could come over to visit you in Gibraltar, and I'd let you chase me. I can run really really fast, you know, so you would not be able to catch me.
Have a nice Easter weekend, and let's both try to cheer up.

Balboa said...

Oh pippa,

What a beautiful flower for our dear friends.

Balboa $ mommy

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are very sad too. May they be very happy over the rainbow bridge..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Asta said...

That was a vewy sweet and thoughtful twiboote..the flowews awe lovely and I hope pouw fwiends awe at peace and pain fwee and wunning like they wewe young
smoochie kisses
pee ess.if youw Mom wants the wecipe fow the soup just tell us

Charlie said...

It's sad to lose friends. You're a very thoughtful Pippa to remember them this way.
- Charlie

Kapp pack said...

A bewootiful flower for two bewootiful souls. Thank you for the tribute!

Sad woos, KA

Simba and Jazzi said...

Very sad news. That is a beautiful flower.

Simba x

L said...

That's so sweet of you to think of Sasha and Lacylulu. The flower is beautiful.