Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pippa - star of the silent screen

Three posts back when mistress put a couple of my photos up in black and white I was not pleased. I even missed the fact that she had snuck up a flower.

I am a colourful dog and I live in Andalucía which is warm and sunny and full of life and colour.

But then I got to thinking about it. I looked at the photos a few times and started to think perhaps I would quite like to be a black and white star in silent films. I don't bark much anyway.

Lots of pups have said my eyes look as though they have kohl round them (or should that be coal?) so I thought I could make a romantic hero with soulful, expressive eyes. One look from me and all the girl pups will be swooning.

Sort of Pippa Valentino. A Mediterranean lover. But then I made mistress do a search on Tinties, and I decided I did not want to be Pippa Valentino. Rudolph Valentino might have been a bit of a silent screen heart-throb but he didn't seem to have too good a life. And he didn't have as many girlfriends as me either.

One site said:

"....the darkly handsome Valentino gazed at his heroines with a mixture of passion and melancholy that sent chills down female (and some male) spines."

Passion and melancholy - that sounds good.

"....but most male moviegoers found his acting ludicrous, his manner foppish, and his screen character effeminate."

No that is not me. I wasn't planning on acting. I thought I could just - be there.

So I think I will settle for just being Pippadog - Star of the Silent Screen.

I think if the silent piccies come back I could be on a winner here.

We have done a photoshoot, some on my casting couch of course, for my new portfolio.

All we have to do is get someone to snap me up.

Perhaps I need an agent. I can't imagine mistress will be very good at it. She doesn't even go to the cinema.

We even did a few photos of me outside and smiling in case I need to look versatile.

But I like the serious ones best. I think it suits me. Mean, moody, and melancholy. (ETA: I forgot to add mysterious)

Serious offers only please.


Kapp pack said...

Wow! I would definitely pay to see my Pippa on the silver screen larger than life!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

The Army of Four said...

Pippa, I would have left a comment earlier, but I've been busy swooning. Well... and eating my breakfast. But definitely swooning.
You look amazing in black and white!

One of the pack said...


You make a great strong silent type. I especially like the last shot. Mom says all the real heroes are in the audience, not on the set. We're not sure how she'd know because she doesn't go to flicks either!

You definitely have the eye liner all ready to go, and there are not enough strong, silent types! Stay clear of films like Pippa Prances through Paris! We can see something more like Pippa--Prince among Men.

We can't wait for your debut.

Lola of
The Forget Sit and Stay Gang

Kathryn and Ari said...

Gretta Garbo and Bette Davis have nothing on you: you're absolutely gorgeous!

Lorenza said...

Tu eres mas guapo que una estrella de cine. No como Valentino.... dicen que no era muy hombre!
Tu Mistress hizo muy bonitas fotografias de ti. Muy artisticas!

Weeny&Daisy said...

hi Pippa! Nice to hear from you! We have heard of Pontypool! :D

We like the coal around your eyes! Its very pretty :)

Love Weeny and Daisy xxx

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Darling Pippa,
Our hearts are melting as we gaze into your bewootiful eyes. We love the last picture most.

Tell Mistress that Momma is going to start her own blog. Actually, she's going to have two. In order to "focus", one will be public and a hidden one for serious stuff.

Love ya,

Cassidy said...

You do be photogenic Pippa.

Happy Easter.

Cassidy x

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I think you are handsome in black and white, but love to see the beautiful colors of your furs too. You are very photogenic.
Oh, and birdies are my favorite friends...yes, birdies....I do love birdies. I guess I am not your ordinary cat, and I prefer to keep my friends rather than eat them. I have lots of doggie friends too, so that is not like an ordinary cat either.
Have a nice Easter Sunday!

Kaiser Chef said...

I am speechless at your melancholy handsomeness.

Lovely photos, you are truly Pippa The Photogenic.

KC and the Sunshine Band xxxxx

Bolota said...

Hola Pippa! Sorry, M. doesn't know how to write in spanish, so... :/ Anyway, thanks for dropping by, hope to see you again sometimes :) sluuuuuuuuuurp


Wow Pippa you look great in B&W and we are sure you'd make a great Star of the Silent Screen. You certainly had us swooning.
Jazz and Dixie

One Little Birdie said...

My darling Pippa. I am swooning over your handsome B&W photos. You do indeed look romantic and mysterious, but the smiling ones made me smile the most

XOXOXO and Snoses,

Ferndoggle said...

Pippa, I think you look lovely in black & white. You strike me as the strong silent type.


Juno said...

Pippa Valentino!! You're stunning!

Mom really likes your last name since L.Valentino is one of her favorite movie stars. :)

You do really look good in B/W photos. Mom will print out your B/W photo and insert it into her "The Silent Movie Star Book"! :)

Momo & Pinot

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Great pictures...

Happy Easter!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Jake of Florida said...


We asked our Mom what she thought about your black and white photos and she said you would ace any screen test they gave you. She thinks you are one good looking dude. We're guys, so it's hard for us to say what makes a babe swoon, but based on her reaction, you clearly seem to have it.

We were happy to see you on our blog so soon after we came back -- and we scrolled through some of your posts to see why you were warning us about flowers. Mom likes flowers (we guess your mistress does too) and if it keeps her happy and writing our thoughts down for us -- then we're not sure what the problema is.

Wine bottles might be her next choice...

Woof pal,

Jake and Just Harry

L said...

You are very handsome in B&W. You have such soulful eyes.

Sophie Brador said...

Pippa, Clearly we were made for each other. You, the dashing star of silent films and me, the subtitled and sublime foreign film star. I've been thinking about a comeback. Maybe we could make a romantic comedy. I foresee a great scene with a marmalade cat. Which one of us should pick it up?


Charlie said...

Pippa, you're very handsome and, while I'm sure you'd be a great silent film hero, I like you even better in color pictures!
- Charlie's mom

Helios said...

ohh... I want your pawtograph, before you get really, really famous!

Asta said...

I am swooning!!!!!
Those eyes, that look !!
You awe mystewious and vewy womantic in those pictoowes..make a film vewy soon I want to go see it!!!
Mommi would be vewy happy to sent the email is ow
( I'm witing bof, cause sometimes mine doesn't wowk)

swoon swoon

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Pippa...
you look sooooo handsome...I'm swooning!!!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Marla said...

I think you would do great in silent films. Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Pippa, you are gorgeous in color or black and white...


fee said...

dear pippa,

it's been a while and i must say you are looking better every time!

[whispering: one of those photos looks like a page straight out of playdog! gasp!]

your forever fan,

Bella said...

ohhh PippaDog you look so debonaire - It makes me swoon. your eyes hold me in their astonishing gaze !!!
Oh too much I must look away.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Move over lassie. Great photo's.

Simba x

Hana said...

Oh Pippa, your Black and White photos are gorgeous! I think you would make a good silent film star. I should ask my Mom if her digital camera can take Black and White photos of ME!

Freda said...

Hey Pippas,

I like your cooools photos and the neatos special effects. I seems to have déjà vus or somethin' likes that. Anyways, if you don'ts have a movin' picture contracts soon somethin' is reeeallys wrong.



wally said...

hI PipPA! I would like to be YOUR LEADING LADY! And YOU are WHITE and I am BLACK! We would be BEAUTIFUL!


Peanut said...

You look good in black and white.