Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Well, everypup, I hope you are having/had/will have a good Christmas.

I had a fine Christmas Eve. Master came home from the supermarket with some provisions and mistress helpfully left them on the bread board.

Naturally when she went out for a few other things I jumped up and found some nice wholemeal rolls.

I took them down carefully and put them on the floor, and then took them out of the plastic bag and started to eat them.

But I realised something was missing, so I jumped back up again and found the butter dish. I carefully took that onto the floor too, without breaking it, and licked it out.

What a treat.

Mistress came back in after about half an hour and thoughtfully took away the plastic bag. So then I decided to lie down and enjoy my last bread roll in comfort. Yum. Yum. After all, it wasn't much use to them full of Pippa slobber, was it?

Santa helps those who help themselves, say I.

Oh and we went out for a walk this evening, but I didn't feel like posing.

And no, Mistress has still not sorted her computer or done any holiday cards.

New Year Resolution - Find A New Mistress.

Christmas Day morning. Snooooooooooze.

Best foot forward for my Christmas Day photoshoot.

Where is master?

Oh. Here he is. Have we finished now?


Peanut said...

Ah rolls and butter. What a lovely christmas eve meal.

wally said...

Hello Pips!

So thoughtful of you to prepare your own Christmas dinner. I am sure Santa will reward you heartily.

We will be posting about our X-mas dinner spread soon. Tastyables! Well, the apes ate mostly fruitables and vegetables but your mistress might be interested in the rabbit food.

wally t.

L said...

Merry Christmas Pippa! Rolls and butter (or at least butter) sounds like a delightful treat. We hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday.
Comet and BLU

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Grrrrreat job!



Happy HOWLidays!

PeeEssWoo: Sorry my narrator furget Europe as well - she's a bit slow sometimes!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Pippa!
Who needs them when you can serve yourself! Good job!
Happy Holidays!
Kisses and hugs

Lola Smiles said...

It's too bad you didn't live closer Sweet Pippa....we could have had
'a tete a tete' over the big bird my mom roasted over here yesterday. :)

I'm so happy your mom & you rated my blog. That meant a lot to me.

Big smooches,
Lola Smiles

Amber-Mae said...

Merry Christmas!

Still celebrating,
Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Yummy, bread and butter. We had some rolls yesterday when the humans dropped them at grandma's house.

Snooter kisses to my darling Pippa,

Princess Eva

The Army of Four said...

Merry Christmas to the very handsome Pippa! And to your family, too!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Pippa! How clever of you not to break the dish! That way tey can refill it for you. The first time Tank counter surfed he broke the dish and got yelled at so now we are very careful with the dishes as well.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

My Ma had a friend once, he was called Roland Butter.

She tells me she is a woman of many personages.

I am pleased you grabbed some good stuff from your counter surfing.

I managed a particularly tasty sausage outside of the butchers shop on Christmas was yummy. My Pa said I looked like a dog with a cigar hanging out his mouth.

My Jeannie says she loves Fleetwod Mac track. Also she has a friend called Russel Sprout.

I say her jokes are wearing thin.

Love and late Christmas Licks, Marvin xxxxxxxx Who has a lot to bear, or is it bare, well whatever, I have to suffer in the name of art.

Marv xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I would have a flounce Pippa!

Happy Christmas to you and yours.

I will reply later to the emails, my computer has been totally occupied by alien people who are visiting Taramasalata Halls.

Scarlett ;0)

Anonymous said...

If you are referring to me, as an alien, frankly my dear I don't give a damn.


Randi said...

Oh Dear Darling Pippa...I am so happy Mistress left those rolls & butter for you..almost as good as toast...but not quite..but still a fine christmas eve meal...It was very nice of her to remove the plastic baggie on the floor..she should know thats hazzardous for handsome Pippas like you.

Love & Licks,

wally said...

Hi Pippa!

My ma ape says that the wheat meat WAS seitan. A mixture of seitan (wheat gluten) and tofu wrapped around a stuffing of squashes and fruitables. She said it was tasty but then she's fond of the non-meatables and eats quite a bit of seitan.

wally t.

ps. Ethel thinks you're quite lovely in those pho-tos.

Sophie Brador said...

Oh Pippa, You live the most charmed life of any dog I know. Maybe I can move in with you.


One Little Birdie said...

Pippadarling, you look pawsitively handsome with your best paw forward! I am glad you had an extra special treat for christmas. I wished for you to have something special. sighs, snoses and dreaming of you, love Guinness

Anonymous said...

Pippa, you are a deprived dogpersonage, but somehow I think your peeps love you, but they do not show it.........however if you have Vienna on your blog, god love you! And just count the bread rolls, how amazin are those best boys......?????

Chef said...

Good job on the rolls and butter, Pippa! What a great Christmas treat. Wishing you, Mistress and Master the happiest of holidays.



Wow Pippa sounds like you prepared yourself a nice little feast! How many rolls did you end up scoring?
Continue to enjoy the festive season.

One of the pack said...

Pippa, how nice that you don't make your human serve you. Great choice. We love our carbs!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Pipps, well I just hope you got some credit for saving on the washing up by going for the self service buffet option. J x

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ah yes, butter is a must and it has to be REAL butter, none of that fake stuff. Woo look quite fetching in that Christmas Day photoshoot.

Woos, the OP Pack

Huskee and Hershey said...

I must say that I am impressed!! Your mom should be so proud of you that you know how to prepare your own dinner! Some peanut butter would be nice too...

Anonymous said...

er....Pippa, she has come to terms with spiders, but flying cockies, oh dearie me, she thinks they sound rather interesting if not enjoyable......

She needs explanation otherwise her mind is going into fantasy mode!

hmmmm flying cockies eh?